PocketGospelTracts.com is a non-profit ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church, not a business.
(The suggested donations barely cover our costs to print and ship domestic orders. The suggested donations are not enough to cover the extra cost of international shipping, so if you order tracts to be shipped outside of the United States, we suggest adding 50% to the total suggested donation.)
Note: If you intend to use many hundreds of tracts within a year or so, ordering exactly 1,400 tracts at once saves us the most money on shipping, because that is how many tracts we can fit into a “flat-rate” postal service box (IF there are no Large format tracts included in your order).

Except where otherwise indicated, all tracts are pocket-size (5.5″ x 2.875″). 
Scripture in all English tracts is from the King James Bible.

Please note that all tract orders are processed, packaged, and mailed by ONE man (who has a full-time secular job), so we can make no guarantees about delivery times.  All tract orders are shipped via United States Postal Service.  Orders within the United States can take several weeks to be delivered.  (To help speed up delivery, consider becoming a monthly supporter.  See our Deputation video.)  Orders to countries outside the United States have been known to take up to 4 MONTHS to be delivered.  We cannot track packages beyond our borders and cannot control whether those packages will be allowed through customs in the destination country.


Click “Add to Cart” for the tracts you want (You’ll later specify the quantity).  The “prices” listed are suggested donations only.  You will not be asked for credit card info, and you will not be billedAfter you submit an order, you can donate the suggested total (or more or less) by clicking the yellow PayPal Donate button, or by mailing a check (payable to Lighthouse Baptist Church) to
Lighthouse Baptist Church
410 NE 27th Street,
Grand Prairie, TX 75050

(Please write “tracts” on the Memo line).

Showing all 29 results

Showing all 29 results