
Frequently Asked Questions (or, questions that people are thinking, but don’t bother to ask)

Are your gospel tracts free?

You are not required to donate to receive tracts.  We give away the tracts for free as funds allow, which is rarely if nobody donates.  Hence, if you do not donate, it may take a long time for you to receive tracts that you order.  If you have no money to donate, I suggest you sell things you don’t need on craigslist.com, such as your microwave oven, jewelry, toys, home decorations, etc.  Another way to save money is to buy things in bulk.  For example, if you buy bottled water by the case, it is much cheaper per bottle than buying them from a vending machine.  If you are responsible with your money and you still truly cannot afford to donate, please pray that God will either supply you with the money to donate or supply us with the money to cover the costs of what you order.

Why do your English tracts quote only the King James Version?

Because that’s the one God wrote.  For more information, visit https://sites.google.com/site/warofwordsministries

Why are your tracts so long?  Who’s gonna read all that?

Most gospel tracts are unclear in my opinion.  I grew up in liberal churches where I heard very little scripture, and I didn’t understand how to be saved until I was 20 when some internet ministries showed me a lot of verses I’d never seen before.  So when I write tracts, I err on the side of thoroughness rather than brevity.  My goal in writing a tract is to cover every angle and make it crystal clear, so a lost person could not possibly misunderstand the way of salvation and doesn’t have to wait to find a believer to ask them for further explanation.

Some people read a gospel tract because they’re curious (Acts 17:18-20), others because they’re bored (Acts 25:13-22), others because they actually want to know how to avoid hell (Acts 16:30), and others because God led them to read it (Acts 10:1-6, 11:13-14).  If and when God makes someone read a tract, it doesn’t matter how long or dull the tract is.  This is why it’s so important to PRAY for the people who find/receive the tracts (2 Kings 6:17, Romans 10:1-3, Luke 24:45).   And since scripture is ALIVE (1 Peter 1:23, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:9, Galatians 3:8,22), the scripture on a tract can itself draw a lost person to itself if it enters their field of vision.

Are gospel tracts mentioned in the Bible?  Is tracting a scriptural practice?

While not mentioned directly in the Bible, tracting is based on scriptural principles.  Jesus said you can find out how to get eternal life by READING scripture (Luke 10:25-26, John 5:39).  The apostle John concurred (John 20:31).  Gospel tracts are powerful because they have the word of God on them, which is “quick, and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12).

Before the printing press was invented in the 1400s (let alone cheap industrially manufactured paper of the 1800s and computerized word processors and printers of the 1900s), it was very expensive and impractical to produce gospel tracts.  The Bible doesn’t mention gospel tracts because in the first 1400+ years of church history, Christians would have wasted a lot of time copying tracts by hand.  But if the apostle Paul did have modern printing equipment, I’m sure he would have gladly printed gospel tracts by the millions, since he expressed a willingness to use “all means” to get people saved (1 Corinthians 9:22).

Why is your web address “.com” and not “.org”?

Because the “.org” domain was ten times more expensive.

Why don’t you have tracts in more languages?

As funds allow, we get tracts printed in every language for which we can find a trustworthy translator and a trustworthy foreign language Bible to quote verses from.  If you want a tract in a particular language that we don’t have yet, and you know of a good Bible in that language and someone who may be willing to translate a tract, Contact us and we will look into it.

Why do your tracts say to pray at the end?  Isn’t prayer a work?

No.  A prayer, in situations referred to by Romans 10:9-13, is NOT a work.  And asking for salvation in faith does NOT constitute “works salvation.”  According to Ephesians 2:8-9, salvation which is a “gift” is by definition “Not of works,” and according to Matthew 7:9-11, a gift can be something you “ask” for.  John 4:10,14 with John 7:38-39 equates “asking” with “believing.”  Acts 9:14 with Acts 22:19 equates “calling on the name of the Lord” with “believing on” Him.  Romans 10:10 says “…confession is made *unto* salvation“, NOT “confession is made *after* salvation” as some claim.  Get the book “Sinners’ Prayers” for a thorough scriptural study on this topic:
Sinners' Prayers book cover